Gartner: That Content Marketing Thing Works Pretty Well

InsightaaS: The Gartner Blog Network collects posts from across Gartner’s research community. In this post, research director Todd Berkowitz provides thoughtful guidance on content marketing – what should be emphasized, how content marketing should be approached and staffed, and keys to success.

One thing I have quicky learned in my two months at Gartner is that research around a topic will often lead me down an entirely different path. I’ve been working on a note around how marketing is organized and wound up having lengthy conversations about content marketing. Content marketing has become a very hot topic in the Business to Consumer (B2C) world with everyone from recognizable, multinational brands to local lawyers and realtors employing it in various fashions. And Gartner has written a number of notes on the topic. But in the technology world (especially in B2B), the uptake has been significantly more uneven, with some CMOs declaring an almost Ron Burgundy interviewing for ESPN-like negative opinion of its long term prospects.

It is probably time to rethink that position…

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